Helping Our Military build their Families.

We are a non-profit organization committed to supporting military families build the families they want.
We do this by:
Educating active duty service members and their families about the current military health care fertility and adoption landscape and help them navigate their path to a family
Educating the American public about this hole in our care and support for military families and what we can do to heal it
Seeking out resources for current military families who are seeking treatment, fertility preservation before a deployment or adoption assistance to relieve some of their financial burden
Partnerships with organizations who are pushing for policy change, so that the American public can fully #SupportOurTroops in this most important mission - building a family
Currently, US Military Healthcare (Tricare) does not cover many types of reproductive assistance or adoption for military families. This means that the vast majority of military couples who do not get pregnant in the windows they are physically together timed with their duty responsibilities or those who are in a same sex couple, or those who choose to continue to serve but want to preserve their eggs or sperm, are NOT provided with the means to do so as part of their military healthcare. The stress of wanting to grow a family, but needing to weigh the financial costs and job costs of military service, puts an unnecessary - and unfair burden on military families. The nature of military service means often not being able to time conception the old fashioned way and it also often means that for some service members, conceiving naturally is harder (read more on military-specific fertility challenges here.) We want to help change this.

Our vision is for an America that supports all active duty military service members and their families to build the families they want regardless of deployment schedules, gender, fertility challenges or financial situation.
Our work is helping military families NOW. We have been working with a whisper network of military members and spouses who have sought our support in navigating the system for years. See our Donate page for more specific ways to support our troops build their families today.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Principles
The Military Family Building Coalition is committed to inclusive and equitable access to family building support, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, military rank, deployment status, partnership status, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, gender identity or expression, education or disability. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and to providing equal opportunity for support and equal access to our programs for all. We respect and value diverse families and commit to do our part in maintaining an inclusive environment and acting as allies for equitable treatment for all.
What people are saying
“It is a huge disappointment that Tricare doesn’t cover all of reproductive healthcare for men and women in the military or for spouses.” -Congressional Staffer
“Support for our warriors and families is paramount to the success of our families. Many families struggle with issues that are uncomfortable and stigmatizing, making it that much more difficult to talk about these issues and seek support. Facing the unique challenges and stress of military life often leave our warriors and families feeling alienated and alone. I am forever grateful to Katy Hendrickson for her unwavering support, advocacy, mentorship, and friendship. “ -Active Navy Spouse